Why should I choose AWiAS?
Whether training or buying special dogs, training as a dog handler or service dogs. Our services for K9 have something for every application.
Trust our experienced instructors. Mr. Daniel Jannett and Mr. Markus Holtmann are at your disposal for your special assignment.
Contact us now for more information: +49 (0) 531 180 538-0
Dogs / K9
Scope of Services
For our need for trainee dogs, we often buy animals between the ages of 12 and 24 months with a short probationary period. Health fitness required. More information and prices on request.
Individually tailored to customer requirements, we train detection dogs completely and hand them over to the dog handler of the customer with a reasonable handover time.
The training of the dogs includes:
- A resilient utility submission / basic obedience
- Distinct search behavior on different objects
- Safe display behavior
- Conditioned secondary amplifier for use-related withdrawal of the dog from e.g. a “sharp explosives display”
- Order input according to customer specifications (explosives, bed bugs, etc.)
The training of dog handlers includes:
- Imparting theoretical and practical basic skills for dealing with service dogs
- Individual instruction on the service dog to be accepted
- Practical training with the new service dog
- Tactical exercises tailored to the customer’s requirement profile
- Team building with the service dog to the operational level
In accordance with the requirement profile of the customer, service dogs in the areas of protection service and detection work complete form and hand them over to the new service dog handler in due time.
The training of service dogs in the field of protection services could include:
- Search and find hidden people
- Controlled biting on and off leash
- Display of inaccessible persons
- Odorous perception on leash of persons in the course of a patrol / patrol (for example in the object surveillance)
- Access Scenarios Police / Special Forces
- Habituation of the dogs to extraordinary heights
All detection components in connection with o.a. Protection service elements can be combined.
Correction of all training-related deficiencies in the areas:
- protection service
- detection work
- suborder
- general behavior
Preparation for all exams in the areas of:
- detection work
- protection service
- suborder
For all dogs offered by us we offer a pairing of dog and handler adapted to the service dog team. Individually, this is the essence of dog handler and dog.
For all projects of the customer, where the use of specifically trained dogs is concerned, we create:
- Total concepts
- Training concepts dog handler and dog
We teach and train suitable dogs for the whole range of tasks.
Coordinated to the tasks at the customer we train dog handlers in connection with the suitable service dog.
We offer seminars and workshops in our training center or at the customer on the topics:
- Learning behavior of dogs
- Construction and training of service dogs in the entire range of tasks of the service dog
- Forms and correction of display behavior in the detection work
- Early fault detection and correction in the detection work
- Establishment and promotion of search behavior in the detection work
- Build up of civil attack readiness
- Construction of Beißkorbarbeit
- Conditioning of various offender pictures
- Moving of service dogs from high altitude
- Construction of odor perception in the strip work
- Appropriate use of service dogs in the object security
- Service dog use in event protection
Preparation for the examination of the explosives detection dog team at the Federal Aviation Authority in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/1998
Recognition training and repetition training for certified explosives detection dog teams according to Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 (can also be carried out at the customer’s premises if the conditions are right)